Marina Escobar Featured in Femfluent Magazine

Cover Story by Food/Arts Writer, Kristin L. Wolfe and Cover Photograph by Lisa L. Nichols


Reap What you Sow: From TV Studio to Kitchen Garden

“After more than a decade as a top media executive at Disney and ESPN, some might say “at the top of her game,” she’s now semi-retired and reimagining her life”…


“She has fully entrenched herself in everything green, from soils and plants, to insects, even stakes, trellises, and garden beds”…

“I have been asked several times to share my secret for a lush and bountiful garden. Music! With my pruners and portable speaker in tow, I frequently play Colombian music to honor my parents. I was told once to dance like no one is watching. Well, I do and I’d like to think my plants enjoy it.”


“Despite coming to the country with a dream but no formal education, her parent’s determination to make sure their children mastered two languages and were all educated was brilliant decision making.”


Marina’s Garden Salsa


Container Gardening