Want to grow what you love to eat? we’re here to help.

From Garden to Table.
SEED YOUR SOUL is a home garden design and consultation service in Connecticut. We design kitchen gardens that will overflow with organic vegetables. Really, we do.
We believe everyone should have a space to harvest fresh food.

Whether you want a dream garden, a garden refresh, or perhaps a small herb garden, make this the year you create a bountiful and beautiful outdoor space to enjoy for years.


Step by step, easy.
Our Services
We specialize in raised beds and container gardens using intensive and companion planting methods. We source only local organic plants and soil mixes that come from Connecticut based trusted farms and nurseries.
No Project Is Too Small
DIY Herb garden in a pot coaching - $60
30 minute in-house or virtual coaching session
Perfect for beginner gardeners
Ideal for small spaces, apartments, patios, windowsills
Goodbye to store bought pricey herbs
Flavorful & convenient, snipping easy while cooking :-)
More you harvest, more it grows
Personalized guide for plant care, watering, harvesting & storage (no more slimy basil)
60 Minute Personal garden Consult - $125
In-house or virtual session
Discuss goals to refresh & renovate existing garden
Full review of existing garden & challenges
Proposed solutions plant care & recommendations
Planting plan for current season (up to 64 sq.ft.)
Seasonal planting guide
Garden design & install estimate upon agreement
Virtual session- client provides existing garden space photos & measurements
Additional fee: seasonal coaching & garden maintenance plans
90 Minute Personal garden Consult - $175
In-house session
Collaborative garden goals
Full review of garden space
List of plant selections & recommendations
Personalized design & planting plan
Seasonal planting guide
Garden design & install estimate upon agreement
Additional fee: seasonal coaching & garden maintenance plans
Complimentary 15 Minute Phone Chat
Not sure what you want? We hear you. We’ll be happy to have a quick chat to hear about your garden space and how we can help.

“Simply the most amazing garden we have ever had!! The boys helped me this morning. I never thought we could plant so much in this small space. It brings a smile to my face every time I look at it.”
— Diana, wanted to plant more and enjoy harvesting with her kids (adorable) but not sure where to start.

This garden refresh proved you don’t need a lot of garden space to grow what you love to eat. My client is harvesting lettuce, peppers, winter and summer squash, cucumber, peas, beans, tomatoes, beets, carrots, kale and herbs.
“Started some seeds indoors this year. Was extremely overwhelmed with where or how to begin. After some phenomenal coaching and mentoring, Seed Your Soul has my babies flourishing!”
-Celia, stuck indoors this past year like the rest of us, wanted to try her hand at gardening (yay!) and wasn’t sure what to do when her tomato seedlings became” leggy”, garden jargon for long, thin, and searching for light.
“My urns sat empty for years...now i get the aroma of gardenia and rosemary every time I step outside.”
-Alexia, wanted an elegant design to match her beautiful Grecian urns including custom arrangements for other gorgeous deck planters. No project is too small.
“There’s nothing like harvesting organic greens daily when I step onto my deck. It makes Healthy meal prep and planning easy.”
-Penny, was tired of paying for store bought organic greens to add to her daily smoothie. Who wouldn’t be?
Beyond ATTRACTING POLLINATORS, flowers are great for the environment and DETERRING PESTS and, they are simply beautiful.
No container is too small for our design. Not only will you enjoy your harvest, you can enjoy fresh cut flowers too!

Meet Marina
marina escobar
Certified Garden Consultant & Designer
I’m obsessed with planting seeds, watching them peek out of the soil and grow into something delicious my family and I can enjoy. That’s the undeniable simplicity of a fresh harvest.
My obsession started early in life. I would utilize whatever sunny spot I could find - from windowsills, to balconies, to decks, to patios - growing what I love to eat.
When I embarked on this entrepreneurial journey a year ago, I realized how out of balance my life had become as part of the corporate world. I’ve always been so busy that I’ve forgotten to notice and nurture the beauty around me - my parents, my family and my garden. I turned the proverbial page to start my next chapter, Seed Your Soul. I believe growing organic food should be easier, and (yes) fun! Although my own garden is spacious, you don’t need a big area, just sunshine, a small container and your imagination.
If having a garden seems daunting, check us out at Seed Your Soul. I promise we’ll make gardening easier. With patience, nurturing, and time, your garden will grow and be bountiful.
Happy Gardening and don’t forget to subscribe below for garden tips and recipes.

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Newtown, CT 06470